[Zope] [WISH] adding users from pythonscript
Jerome Alet
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 15:42:03 +0100 (MET)
I want to add users from pythonscript without having to pass a REQUEST
, which would mean being redirected.
It doesn't seem to be possible. Am I right ?
Is the only possible way using external methods ?
<WISH VALUE="+10">
Why the hell the fact of having a REQUEST and using Zope's management
interface seem to be so bound together ?
This prevents people from using some powerful management methods
from their own code, because the decision to redirect the browser
to another page in the management interface is done based on the
presence of REQUEST. See for example acl_users.manage_users() (_addUser
is not callable from pythonscript)
If all the Zope management forms included an hidden "__redirectme__" (or
something like that)
parameter, this would allow the better of two worlds:
Zope management methods would be callable in all situations,
provided they would be modified to act depending on this parameter being
present in REQUEST or not.
Am I the only one who finds this very bad ?
bye, and thanks in advance for any help.
Jerome Alet - alet@unice.fr - http://cortex.unice.fr/~jerome
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