[Zope] Re: [midgard-dev] ZPT, a next-generation template technology

Emiliano emile@iris-advies.com
Sun, 11 Mar 2001 20:14:51 +0100 (CET)

Evan Simpson wrote:

> Most of the stuff in the TALES document describes our particular
> implementation of TALES.  Path expressions, in particular, are quite
> tailored to the Zope environment.  These details could certainly be adopted
> by another implementation, but the only thing that is really intrinsic to
> TALES is the idea of expression types, and the syntax "typename:expression
> text".

I think it would help a lot if the descriptions do not focus on one
particular implementation in this phase of the design.

> We worked for a while with the idea of propagating changes to inserted
> macros back to the macro definition, but it raised too many questions that
> we weren't prepared to answer.

I don't really think that's a good idea. The macro user may not have
proper access to change the macro. Assuming that these components
would be covered by some sort of access control, that is.

> I hope that we can find ways to mark macro
> bodies read-only that can be made compatible with the most popular HTML
> editors.

Are there editors out there that support these kinds of editing modes?
It could be interestign to see how they approach this. Personally I
don't know of any.

> > Also, if macros call macros themselves, would this be unfolded
> > in its entirety every time I edit?
> Yes. The idea of macros is to make the editor's copy match the rendered page
> as closely as is reasonable.  This way, the person responsible for layout
> and visual design isn't confronted with a broken page, or one missing
> significant structural elements.

I understand, but it would be essential that it is possible to mark
parts of such a page as read-only.
