[Zope] zope for intranet?

Takashi Veikko Linzbichler takashi.linzbichler@smartferret.com
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 16:34:28 +0100

hi Eric,

--On Mittwoch, 14. M=E4rz 2001 16:11 +0100 Eric Casteleijn =
<eric@codenamefuture.nl> wrote:

> I've tried to locate the worldpilot product for the last 2 months, but
> have been unable to. At first the site linked to by zope.org and zope
> treasures gave a 'server not found'. Now they link to a sourceforge

[stuff deleted]

try  http://www.worldpilot.nl.

But the current release (1.0.4) of Worldpilot seems to have quite some =
problems with Zope > 2.1.x (i.e. 2.2.x or 2.3.x). For me (and others as =
I've seen on the Worldpilot mailing-list) at least logoff or attaching a =
file to a mail gives nasty errors.

smartferret it-consulting Dipl.-Ing. Linzbichler KEG

Dipl.-Ing. Takashi Veikko Linzbichler
Tannhofweg 28/3
A-8044 Graz, Austria

Tel.:   0316 / 39 89 40 -0
Fax:    0316 / 39 89 40 -20
Mobil:  0676 / 31 26 286
eMail:  takashi.linzbichler@smartferret.com

WWW:    http://www.smartferret.com