[Zope] Re: Simple ZCatalog question
Tim Cook
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 19:27:04 -0600
Tim Moore wrote:
> No, I understand the basic query syntax. What I'm trying to do is
> create query which returns all of the objects of type 'Timeslot' that
> have some non-null value for their 'archive_url' property. It's the
> second half of that query that I can't figure out...
> Catalog(meta_type='Timeslot', archive_url='???')
> I've tried archive_url='*', but that doesn't work. Is this even
> possible using ZCatalog?
Interestingly enough I had to go test this. Why doesn't '*'
work? I have no idea.
But this returns all:
<dtml-in expr="emrCatalog(meta_type='EMR',last_name='')">
<dtml-var last_name>
and this returns all with a last begining with'f' (as expected):
<dtml-in expr="emrCatalog(meta_type='EMR',last_name='f*')">
<dtml-var last_name>
I'm sure SOMEONE can tell us why the '*' doesn't work?
Tim Cook, President - FreePM,Inc.
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