[Zope] Authenticating against NT domain from NT-based Zope
Ian Sealy
Thu, 15 Mar 2001 18:41:25 +0000 (GMT)
Dear Stefano,
> have you tried to do this in an External Method rather than in a
> script? Scripts have security checks which are not applied to
> external methods. This can be a little help in solving the problem.
Indeed. The script I gave in my original email <
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/zope/message/54291 > isn't actually a Zope
Python Script. It's just a standalone bit of Python that I can't get to
work. Technically, I suppose, I'm having problems with the win32security
module (I'm still keen to find some documentation if anyone can point me
in the right direction), rather than Zope, but I was hoping someone here
would have had similar problems.