RV: [Long] Development in Zope (Was: Re: [Zope] data point on
ease of learning Zope -- I give up.)
Cees de Groot
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 08:09:33 +0100
aerd@retemail.es said:
> What about the GUI? Does it user standard browser technology or some
> client software?
Yes on both accounts. Smalltalk was invented in order to support development
work on the first GUI back in the '70s at Xerox PARC, so it has always been
coupled to GUI's. All Smalltalk vendors nowadays give you various ways to work
with browsers, ranging from custom plugins that run full-fledged Smalltalk
GUI's to JSP/Servlet-style programming.
But we should probably take my Smalltalk advocacy off-list, lest a language
flamewar arises :-)
> I would like to write an Open Source ERP whith all the standard thinks
> (Selling (Orders, deliveries / invoices) / Buying (same)/ Accountig /
> Stock / Incident tracking and some workflow/approvement cycles). Also
> I think that business models in Europe are very similar.
There's a German company doing something like that in Java, IIRC.
Cees de Groot http://www.cdegroot.com <cg@cdegroot.com>
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