Fwd: [Zope] Using psycopg connections directly
Federico Di Gregorio
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 15:48:50 +0100
Scavenging the mail folder uncovered Paolo Comitini's letter:
> Because psycopg is advertised as having a per-cursor commits, initially I
> just did the same thing in my code as a Z SQL Method would do: call the
> database object for a connection and run query() on it. However, it turned
> out that when multiple threads did this, one thread's commit would also
> commit work on another thread. This is probably due to the fact that the
> psycopg DB class commits on the connection, not on the cursor it used.
if you want to use the per-cursor commit extension of psycopg, you need
to call the .commit() method on the *cursor*. calling it on the connection
will commit on all the cursors derived from the connection.
> So I now grab a cursor, and register that (inside a wrapper) with the
> transaction manager, for every query. The finish/abort code does a
> commit/rollback and then a cursor.close() (shortly after that, the GC
> destroys the cursor). However, I seem to be leaking connections, because the
> number of in-use connections quickly goes up and Postgres starts
> complaining. There's probably some interaction between what I do and psycopg
> that I don't understand.
note that psycopg open one connection for every cursor (that will change
in the near future) so, if you don't set a maxconn value on the connection
but keep creating cursors, you'll finish with an hight number of phisical
db connections (maxconn is about 32 by default.)
> Would anyone have a suggestion as to how I could use psycopg Z Database
> connections from Python code in such a way that everything works smoothly?
> What's the Zope model anyway - does it instantiate one Z connection per
> thread or do all the threads use the same connection and should the
> connection figure it out by itself?
mmm... i think that zope instantiate a connection for every thread.
in the psycopg case, every zope thread gets one connection and one cursor.
hope this helps, ciao,
Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE Chief of Research & Technology fog@mixadlive.com
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact fog@debian.org
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