[Zope] newbie zope question -- stuck in quick-start page

Casey Duncan cduncan@kaivo.com
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 08:12:57 -0700

Sundar Narasimhan wrote:
> Hi, I finally thought I had some time to play w/ zope, but it's
> turning out to be more confusing than I thought.
> The install/startup go smoothly (as the documentation says). Oh, I'm
> running the stable version off of zope.org (not the dev. version) on
> NT using the command line.
> But when I click on the root folder, I don't see the tabs as the
> documentation says I should. And no matter which node I click "under"
> the root folder, I'm always led to what looks like the "zope quick
> start" page. And quite obviously I'm still hunting for the add button
> :)
> Actually Root Folder/Control_Panel/Products/ZopeTutorial all behave
> this way.. but when I click on Help "under" the last, I see a listing
> of help documents.
> So .. what's wrong? I did check some of the resources on zope.org, but
> couldn't find anything relevant.
> Zope looks great.. but I guess I'm having glitches right out of the
> gate which probably should be in a FAQ someplace?

You aren't logged in as a manager apparently. Assuming you are using
2.3.0, reset your admin password by cd'ing to your zope directory and
executing this:

python zpasswd.py -u admin -p password access

Substitute whatever password you want. Then close down your browser (all
windows) and go to http://localhost:8080/manage. Login as admin with
whatever password you chose. Next go the the acl_users folder and add
user for yourself with the manager role. Then log out (either close all
your browser windows or use the logout command in the top frame) and
login as the new user. You should be in business.
| Casey Duncan
| Kaivo, Inc.
| cduncan@kaivo.com