[Zope] Rendering DTML from PythonScript

Joel Burton jburton@scw.org
Wed, 21 Mar 2001 01:25:28 -0500 (EST)

I have a PythonScript that uses traversal_subpath to suck in the rest of
the path, and then calls a standard DTML document to render it, with the
subpath being handed off in the namespace.

The script just has

  """Call the faculty page for this faculty member"""
  context.facsearch(facid = traverse_subpath[0])

However, the called DTML itself calls things like standard_html_header,
which throw up errors.

How can I call a DTML method from a PythonScript while passing in the
right context?

(I've tried combinations of context, context.REQUEST, etc. I just can't
seem to guess the right one!)


Joel Burton   <jburton@scw.org>
Director of Information Systems, Support Center of Washington