[Zope] feature suggestion (aliases)
tom smith
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 17:32:00 +0000
hi all
This would be really really useful.
An object type which just contained a reference to another object elsewhere
in the system. It's main view would be, er, view (rather than edit) . It
would behave like a Mac's alias or (I think) like a unix softlink.
It's only purpose would be to make navigation of the management screens
easier and quicker. It's only *other* purpose would be to avoid duplicating
code that doesn't fit into the hierarchy. Of it's three purposes...
tom smith | tom@othermedia.com
tel 020 8541 5355 | fax 020 8541 5507
11 penrhyn road, kingston-upon-thames, london KT1 2BZ