[Zope] RFC: eks -- extended kde2-soho-server and zope-soho-server

Olaf Zanger olaf.zanger@soli-con.com
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 07:53:47 +0100

hi there,

the preface: this RFC is written with the great work of the open-source-community as
a whole as well as the overwhelming efforts of the single participant in mind. what
is more, these ideas base on the very fact that this community with its unique
development model can create what was unthinkable only few years ago. the idea grew
basing on the linux-(kernel)-slogen "world domination". 

the name: "eks -- enhanced kde2-soho-server" (eks: as in german for drinking the
whole glas of beer at once and derived from "exchange" which eks shall survive :-).

the background: one of the major oportunities of open source (os) is the extra value
that is created by combining several different os projects and integrating it into a
"added value product". the value of integration is one of the good reasons why
home-servers (adomo), digital video recordors (tivo) and other gadgets are based more
and more on linux.

integration -- the idea: call the kde2 desktop ready for prime time, add the ideas of
yahoo-services (calendar, notes, addressbook, email), think .NET and "hailstorm" and
you end up with knowing that "desktop" is now but tomorrow is integrated and mobile
computing. lets take the upper buzzwords and available os-technologies to cook up a

the ingredients: kde2, koffice, kpilot, python-scripting, zope/php/perl, mysql/pgsql,
soap (in gnome known under soup by ximian), suse/mandrake and the os-wap-server.
extend some current developments and come up with some new things. with eks kde2 data
are stored in a os-database. the typical kde2 app may be python scriptable. koffice
saves through a kio-slave in a database-file-system. zope/php/perl makes all this
stuff accessable by internet/intranet and mobile-phone through www/wap.

the picture: 1. kde2 bases on data in files for kmail, kab, kalender and all the
others. this is great stuff for a single desktop. in a network (in the living room,
small office, home office) these data can be moved to the server easily using smb or
nfs. it is not so easy to keep pdas and laptops in sync.
2. now "kde2-soho-server" functionality gets added to the server. a
"soho-application-server" might be wanted. 
3. to allow a higher degree of integration of kde2 data (e.g. specific addressbook
entries and grouping to be used in kugar, rekall, kapital, ...), data and files may
move into a mysql/pgsql database of the added "kde2-soho-server". since soho has
little money this best happens automatically. 
4. the zope/perl/php based "soho-application-server" provides base functionality of
the main programs (though functionally slower and with less features) to use all the
data through a browser in the intranet and internet without the need of kde2 beeing
installed on a specific device.
now all company or household data is accessible through kde2 locally, the web
worldwide, wap and embedded qt mobile.

the added value: single click "kde2-soho-server" setup. fast migration from
workstation-centric data to mobile-network data. powerfull base for further business
logic development with scripting language (e.g. python) and internet data-access.
huge extra market for kde2 deployment. killer application for kde2-desktop.

the work: there is heaps, but thinking of at least five different image viewers and
comparable situation in mp3 players there might be the one or the other programmer
beeing happy to jump on the wagon.
1. projects to be started: define location for content (pic-, movie-library, database
name and structure), krystal (graphical editor for kugar xml files).
2. in early stages: kproject, mymap, gud (zope-http-organizer), sql-ledger
3. beta: rekall, kde-db, kapital, pgp integration, karm-kapital-korganizer
4. more features: kapital (soho-features [as in quickbooks], database adapter)
5. (kio-)database access: afaik none of the current koffice components does support
database sources.
6. www-content: make Zope GUD (Grand Unified Desktop) and Zope CMF (Content
Management Framework) compatible to the datastructures and file-formats (xml) of kde2
now in the databases. Zope basic rendering of kword, killustrator, kpresenter, ...
xml data.
7. multimedia: any os-streaming of content to www-terminals or mobile phones around?
8. sync: sync-ml support throughout kde2 (with the database in mind :-)
9. scripting: python support throughout kde2.
10. development: support of the noted capabilities through kdevelop, kde-studio,
blackadder (mainly the scripting), kde2-python language bindings?.
11. other issues: don't know anything about wap server.

the setup: suse and mandrake would have additional buttons called "kde2-soho-server"
and "soho-application-server". the first part would ask for all the valid information
to set everything up in the first place. the second would add access through
browser-only devices intranet/internet.

the vision (a more than normal office day for the envisioned kde-lady): 1. she gets a
email of a new client and adds the vcard to the company database by single
mouseclick. after approval of client data by the assistant the client gets its
password by crypted email. 
2. amazed about the fast setup he orders some products in the online shop. 
3. kapital already provides the address out of the database. the billing for the
client is approved by sales staff. a bill is generated through kugar. a version is
faxed through hylafax, one is printed for the backup record and one is sent by
encrypted email. 
4. after a long day finally at home kde-lady notices, that she does not have the
mobile number of this cute new client. but she doesn't want to miss his invitation to
this slick soiree at a new gallery. 
5. so she accesses the company addresses through the soho-application-server to get
the mobile number of the client. btw she figures from the timetracker that she has
more than enough overtime to add some private time to the calendar for tomorrow
6. in a integrated internet service she finds easily the address of the gallery.
7. after a great evening the morning is hard. but at work she receives a voice mail.
kde2 plays the stream. the accountant of the cute client really appreaciated the fast
billing. this way the expense can be part of this financial year :-).

the disclaimer: 1. in case any ideas are already beeing realised or have been
realised by os please notify me. why don't you tell the world what has to be done to
make those two buttons appear in the distros :-). 
2. this was hacked together at 1:30am. there was no major effort for spell checking
and checking project names. 
3. work: since i build up a own company currently i can't put
software-development-effort into the eks. if wanted, i may be able to push the idea
further for more details. i find it most interesting to fill the missing links
between the great running projects of the developer crowds (like towing with zope/php
and kde2/gnome in a common direction for added value).

what do you guys think about putting such a topic to dot.kde.org?
i read the latest outcry on the development list and wonder if visions that long are
supposed to be on the development list or if there is an other place for that?

as noted comments are requested and very much appreciated. 

Olaf M. Zanger

the author: grew up with atari, mac and win. he worked in project management, windows
soho-network administration and www-content. now he prefers kde2. currently he is
developing internet application services for renewable energy systems. until now he
has a second computer close by running the legacy windows stuff and to figure every
day that a crashing kde2 app is better than a crashed win-system.

Olaf Marc Zanger