[Zope] (no subject)
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 12:21:34 +0300 (EAT)
On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Steve Spicklemire wrote:
> Hmm.. if I recall correctly the problem goes something
> like this:
> say I have a user: joe defined in:
> /company/division/branch/group/acl_users
> when joe tries to FTP should Zope be expected to search all the 400
> acl_users folders in the hierarchy until if finds a match? Or... what
> if there are *two* joe's which should I check?
That's part of the problem; but another problem is as (Chris pointed
out) what if joe makes an error in logingin eg wrong username &/or wrong
password; why does medusa log you in as annonymous user instead of breaking
the connection altogether like most other ftp clients?
> -steve