[Zope] Broken Zope installation
Mayers, Philip J
Sat, 24 Mar 2001 00:13:53 -0000
I appear to have a broken Zope installation. Some of the problems:
1) I have a set of PythonScripts and DTML methods which do the logic and
presentation. All of the PythonScript can do this:
print context.dtml_method(context,REQUEST,param1=data,param2=data)
Fine. However, this site was imported from a previous installation. Any new
PythonScripts (or any attempt to edit the existing ones) fail to do that,
saying that:
Error Type: TypeError
Error Value: call of non-function (type list)
I really don't think that the DTML method is of type list - this happens
with old or new DTML methods, and old&modified or new PythonScripts alike.
The weird part is that (provided you don't modify them) the old scripts work
2) Restart or Shutdown from the Control Panel link fail with an error 5 (I/O
error) - this only happens intermittently.
I'm running the source release on RedHat 6.2 sparc - are there any
architechtural issues?