[Zope] Adding Folders and index_html from Python Script

karthick ramanarayanan ark@snapper.no
Sat, 24 Mar 2001 11:43:09 +0100 (CET)

 Check out the source for manage_addFolder and you will find that you
can specify 2 additional options or flags.
They are for creation of user folders and the index_html template file.
Just call the function with these 2 flags set and you get the acl_users
and the index_html template in your folder.

> Okay, I'm trying to create a site where the users can load information 
> prospective clients and then add contact information about each client.  
> is how it works now...
> I have a form that creates a folder with the name of the client as the 
title of 
> the folder.  No sweat.  I use...
> context.manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addFolder(id=id, 
> .. which works fine to make the folder itself.
> However, there is nothing in the folder (i.e., no index_html file).  
Thus, when 
> the user moves to the folder, they get the index_html from the parent 
> Is there a way to add a file to the newly created folder from a Python 
>  The contents of the file can be very easy (such as "<dtml-var 
> standard_html_header><dtml-var standard_html_footer>").
> As an asisde, I want to make the id of the folder a string that contains 
> allowable characters that are taken from the name that the users input 
(with an 
> _ used in place of the blanks).  Is there a quick easy way to do that 
with some 
> library function that isn't showing up in the Python Library Reference at 
> www.python.org?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ron
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