[Zope] Zope based Authentication. Why Why Why
Phil Harris
Sun, 25 Mar 2001 22:21:13 +0100
There was at one time an alternative to the LoginManager/UserDB stuff that
most people will suggest.
It was called CookieCrumbler. Unfortunately it has been pulled from the
Zope site. Luckily it is still available as part of the ZopeCMF stuff.
It is a simple and not really more secure version of the standard userFolder
(but it isn't a userFolder in and of itself).
Try it out, it works for me when I need a simple form based login.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mohan Baro" <mcbaro@uwimona.edu.jm>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: [Zope] Zope based Authentication. Why Why Why
> Hi all,
> Going thru the archives of this mail list, I can't help but notice the
> following
> 1) There are many zoper who need to use a login form to authenticate users
> 2) Most do not like http authentication
> 3) ZPatterns and LoginManager are good solutions, but are not appropiate
> new users (compilation required, usersourse required ... &&&& poor
> documentation.
> Why can't Zope's default authenication be form based? (cookie based, ZODB
> based ...)
> Why do we have to start with HTTP authentication? (can't logout, hard to
> manipulate)
> Why does everybody think ZPatterns/LoginManager is always the answer.
> (simple problem, Tough solution, overkill)
> Can somebody post a good form based authenication system without using
> ZPatterns/LoginManager.
> Mohan.
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