[Zope] Running Zope with apache - login not possible
Takashi Veikko Linzbichler
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 15:25:46 +0200
--On Montag, 26. M=E4rz 2001 14:04 +0200 Gitte Wange <gitte@mmmanager.org> =
>> If you still have ZServer listening on port 8080 (it normally is, if not
>> disabled by -w , as I've learned just a few days ago :-) ), you could
>> try to reach your management I/F directly on this port. At least you can
>> determine, wether the error is on the Zope side or with your Apache
>> setup.
> Okay this was very interesting:
> When I tried to enter http://<my.ipnumber>:8080/manage, I got an error
> saying that the connection was refused by the server either because the
> server was busy (whick I know it isn't) or becuase the server may not be
> accepting connections.
> I guess it's a zope problem - any who can help ?
Hm, I don't know your OS environment ...
But what I'd try is:
1) Check, id Zope is really running (with Linux: ps aux |grep z2)
2) Check Zope's startup params
3) If on a Linux box: Do you have any ipchains-rules or similar running ?
If nothing else seems to help, I'd advise to first get Zope running =
standalone and then
switch to an setup behind Apache.
smartferret it-consulting Dipl.-Ing. Linzbichler KEG
Dipl.-Ing. Takashi Veikko Linzbichler
Tannhofweg 28/3
A-8044 Graz, Austria
Tel.: 0316 / 39 89 40 -0
Fax: 0316 / 39 89 40 -20
Mobil: 0676 / 31 26 286
eMail: takashi.linzbichler@smartferret.com
WWW: http://www.smartferret.com