[Zope] Z2.pid permissions

ghaley@mail.venaca.com ghaley@mail.venaca.com
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 11:31:54 -0500 (EST)

> Can some one definitively explain how to set _ALL_ the permissions,
> etc., so that Zope can start properly on boot?

	for the most part, zope under apache should be running as nobody.  
unless you change something during your setup that makes it run
differntly.  but if you did the default installation, it should be ok.
to change all the owner for everything under a certain directory.

	as root, in the /opt directory, type:

	$ chown -R nobody.nobody zope

	this will recurse the change owner down through the directory and
all its subdirectories, setting both owner and group to nobody.

	also, in httpd.conf file, there are two lines that direct who the
owner and group for your web files run as, if these are not nobody change
them in that file.  

	restart apache and zope and you should have everything set up.


	Gregory Haley
	DBA/Web Programmer
	Venaca, LLC.

> Thanks
> Carl David
> david@uconnvm.uconn.edu