[Zope] PostgreSQL, INSERT and new OID

News system cg@cdegroot.com
27 Mar 2001 14:03:22 +0200

Jeremy Cowgar <jcowgar@bhsys.com> said:
>In learning Zope, I came across a stumbling block, and that is how
>to retrieve the OID that an INSERT query will create when using
You shouldn't use database internal oid's anywhere in your code, if that's
what you mean by OID. 

Give every table a primary key "ident" (or whatever - my favourite, "id",
doesn't work well in Zope; the second-best, "oid", is already in use under

Insert using "null" or "nextval('tablename_ident_seq')" (the exact
name of the sequence associated with the serial field is given during
the table create). Retrieve the newly inserted record's id by doing
"select currval('tablename_ident_seq')".