[Zope] How-To: Building Zope and Python on Mac OS X
Jens Vagelpohl
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 09:04:04 -0500
AFAIK apple does not support OS X on a UFS partition at all right now.
the howto by jeffrey assumes an extended HFS partition.
on 3/28/01 8:46, tom smith at tom@othermedia.com wrote:
> hi,
> I'm fairly new to unix so please bear with me.
> I installed python on a UFS volume. When at the CLI I try...
> /Volumes/unix/Python/python
> python2 comes up fine. However, when I try and run the wo_pcgi.py
> script as mentioned in the How-To, nothing seems to happen. When I try
> to run zope...like this...
> /Volumes/unix/Python/python z2.py
> The same thing, I'm just returned to the prompt. (Unusual things do seem
> to be happening to permissions when Classic and OSX are involved with
> the same directories)
> have I missed something else? So close...
> cheers
> tom
> p.s With help...I did manage to get zope on MacOS Public going, so
> there's hope
> p.p.s Has anybody connected zope to FrontBase or OpenBase yet?