[Zope] Variables...

After Dark afterz@zipmail.com
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 12:42:36 -0500

Thank you very much. Work very well.
Now I just have another doubt.

Do I need to do a cast or something like that to make this?
Because the parameter is an object, but zope treats like a
<dtml-in "REQUEST['parametro'].objectValues()">

Thank you.

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 16:04:42 +0100
Ivan Cornell <ivan.cornell@framestore.co.uk> wrote:
>> <!--#let cor="'FALSE'"--><!--#/let-->
>> <table>
>> <dtml-in "especialidade.objectValues()">
>>   <dtml-if "cor == 'FALSE'">
>>     <!--#let cor="'TRUE'"--><!--#/let-->
>>     <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
>>   <dtml-else>
>>     <!--#let cor="'FALSE'"--><!--#/let-->
>>     <tr bgcolor="#007CC3">
>>   </dtml-if>
>> </dtml-in>
>> </table>
>In this case:
><dtml-in "especialidade.objectValues()">
>  <dtml-if sequence-even>
>    <tr bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
>  <dtml-else>
>    <tr bgcolor="#007CC3">
>See the ZQR (http://www.zope.org/Members/ZQR) for useful
>Generally, use
><dtml-call "REQUEST.set('cor', 'FALSE')">
>for something like this

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