[Zope] Zcatalog: indexing on list attributes?

Oliver Bleutgen Oliver Bleutgen <myzope@gmx.net>
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 17:06:15 +0200

> Eric Casteleijn wrote:
> So basically using a multiple selection property in a ZClass makes that
> property unindexable? Wish i'd known that. The problem is my ZClass is
> alreday created and populated. Is there any chance of a solution other
> than
> deleting the property, adding it again as a lines or tokens type and
> reinserting all the values?


couldn't you do something like



i.e. just add a method to you zclass which converts the
multiple selection property into the right type and returns that?
And the just add the name of that method as a keyword index.
