[Zope] <SELECT> in dtml

Oleg Broytmann Oleg Broytmann <phd@phd.fep.ru>
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 14:05:56 +0400 (MSD)


   Below is my old (and probably inclomplete) code. Untested. Std
disclaimer :)

On 30 Mar 2001, Gitte Wange wrote:
> I got a lot of replys to my problem but they all just said: Solve it by
> a JavaScript.
> Well ... okay.
> Anyone who has any examples ?
> Because JavaScript is a big world.
> Regards,
> Gitte
> On 28 Mar 2001 18:42:41 +0200, Gitte Wange wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am trying to make a site (surprise !)
> > I have a select box and when you choice something in that, a new selectbox should be displayed.
> > Now my problem is that I don't now how the action"script" I have defined in my form-tag recieves the value from the select box.
> >
> > Is there any examples/how-to's anywhere ?

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<title><!--#var title--></title>

<!--#if "id == -1"-->
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
<!--#in cities-->
array<!--#var sequence-index--> = new Array(<!--#in "regions[_['sequence-item']]"-->
new Array(<!--#if sequence-key--><!--#var sequence-key--><!--#else -->0<!--#/if sequence-key-->, <!--#if sequence-item-->"<!--#var sequence-item-->"<!--#else -->"-----"<!--#/if sequence-item-->)<!--#unless sequence-end-->, <!--#/unless sequence-end-->
<!--#/in -->);
<!--#/in cities-->

function updateMenu2(select) {
   array = eval("array" + select.selectedIndex)
   region = select.form.region
   region_options = region.options
   region_options.length = array.length
   index_set = 0
   for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
      region_array = array[i]
      region_options[i] = new Option(region_array[1], region_array[0])
      if (region_array[0] == <!--#var id_region-->) {
         region.selectedIndex = i
         index_set = 1
   if (!index_set) {
      region.selectedIndex = 0
// -->
<!--#/if -->

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 link="#003265" vlink="#003265" alink="#003265"
<!--#if "id == -1"-->
<!--#/if -->

<!--#if "id == -1"-->
<!--#else -->
<H3>Edit <!--#var id--></H3>
<!--#/if -->

<FORM name="c2" action="edit-constr.py" method="POST">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="id" value="<!--#var id-->">

   <!--#if "id == -1"-->
   <SELECT name="city" onChange="updateMenu2(this)">
   <!--#in cities-->
      <OPTION value="<!--#var sequence-key-->"<!--#if "_['sequence-key'] == id_city"--> selected<!--#/if -->><!--#var sequence-item-->
   <!--#/in cities-->
   <!--#else -->
   <TD><!--#var city--></TD>
   <!--#/if -->

   <!--#if "id == -1"-->
   <SELECT name="region">
      <OPTION>long junk to preserve space
   <!--#else -->
   <TD><!--#var region--></TD>
   <!--#/if -->

<!--#if "_['sequence-item'][1]"-->
<INPUT type="submit" name="Edit" value="Edit">
<!--#else -->
<INPUT type="submit" name="New" value="New">
<!--#/if -->
<!--#/in sides-->
<!--#/if sides-->


     Oleg Broytmann     http://www.zope.org/Members/phd/     phd@phd.pp.ru
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.