[Zope] executing dynamically generated code (eval)?

Tim Cook tim@freepm.org
Wed, 02 May 2001 01:57:37 -0500

Marcus Schopen wrote:
> Hi there,
> is there a kind of dtml-eval command?
> I'd like to execute dynamicly generated code like:
> <dtml-var <dtml-var someting>>.

AFAIK that is restricted for security reasons.
Depending on exactly what you want to do, you can dynamically
create javascript and execute it.  In FreePM I create the patient
note by selecting text stubs with checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.
Then send that to a JS function that writes it to a textarea.  Is
that like what you want to do?

Tim Cook, President - FreePM,Inc. 
http://www.FreePM.com Office: (731) 884-4126
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