[Zope] Announce - Audio Product

Bill Anderson bill@libc.org
03 May 2001 01:39:26 -0600

On 02 May 2001 21:53:21 -0400, marc lindahl wrote:
> I don't see how a smaller ZODB is a happier ZODB.... ?
> Keeping them in ZODB makes your site alot easier to back up!

I back up the entire Zope tree, no difference in ease. A difference in
reliability, yes.

> And, they take up basically the same amount of disk space on the FS or in

Actually, from where I sit, it _appears_ they take up _more_ space in
the ZODB, bu tthat could just be appearances.

> the ZODB.  If you use BTreeFolders, you could store 1000's of them in one
> folder (if that makes sense for you)... depending on your file system, that
> might be a problem on the FS.

Right, but it can be  a problem for the ZODB as well, regardless of
