AW: [Zope] Source from form result.

Thomas B. Passin
Thu, 3 May 2001 12:53:26 -0400

> > [Tom]
> > I don't know what you mean here, why can't you include the
> > variables in the
> > url?  Where would you like to include the variables but find it can't be
> > done?
> I don't know why. But the php script (on the external server) which is
> by <form action="script.php" ... with the submit button, does not publish
> the same result, if I pass the variables over the url!

Maybe they use the POST method instead.  Look at the form in the page and
see.  You are looking for method='POST'.  You can certainly POST from
httplib if that's what it takes.

In fact, why don't you give us the complete start tag for the form you are
interested in, the one that would show you the pictures if you clicked on
its submit button.

Tom P