[Zope] [ANN] ZShell 0.1
Jerome Alet
Fri, 4 May 2001 13:08:32 +0200 (MET DST)
I'm very pleased to announce the new version of the Zope Shell.
You can download this GPLed external method from:
Current version is 0.1 and replaces 0.001
Delete your old version an install this one, you'll probably love it !
List of available commands (expect more soon):
deluser delete users
adduser add users
lrole add/delete local roles
whoami current username
pack pack database
restart restart zope
save save versions (untested)
discard discard versions (untested)
copy copy to clipboard
cut cut to clipboard
paste paste from clipboard
import import objects
chown change owner (doesn't work)
man shows help
whatis alias to man
help alias to man
apropos alias to man
about about ZShell
google launch a query on google
wget suck websites (not finished)
mkdir create folders recursively
pwd shows current working folder
cd change current folder
rm delete objects recursively
mv move objects (doesn't rename yet)
cp copy objects
ls list objects
Any help and constructive criticism is appreciated.
* ls accepts meta types as its arguments, this may change soon.
* multiple commands must be separated by newlines, not ; for now.
* you can use a stylesheet named zshell.css
* absolute paths may not work completely, help needed.
* use the man command for the rest.
Thanks to Peter Bengtsson and Simon Michael !
hoping you'll find it as useful as I do...
Jerome Alet - alet@unice.fr