[Zope] LiveLink "converters"
4 May 2001 13:01:33 -0700
Hi -
The converters are easier than people might think...
Once you get the data sucked down into an xml file - there are different java classes (no reason they couldnt be python-ized) to build the xml into a PDF etc.
I am curious about the internationalization of the zope interface, but more importantly is having provisions to have a ZOPE'ed site be presented in MANY languages. Havent looked this up yet. But, to do it right - it can get pretty tricky. Java has books and books on the subject. But, again with Python - since everything is always easier in Python :) - it probably is 1% of the lines of Java code etc...
David Kovach
On Fri, 04 May 2001, Menard.Jean-Francois@hydro.qc.ca wrote:
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> <P><FONT SIZE=2>Sorry for HTML! I tough I used "text", but I guess I didn't... Sorry!</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>-----Message d'origine-----</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>De : Menard.Jean-Francois@hydro.qc.ca [<A HREF="mailto:Menard.Jean-Francois@hydro.qc.ca">mailto:Menard.Jean-Francois@hydro.qc.ca</A>]</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>Envoyé : vendredi 4 mai 2001 15:00</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>À : zope@zope.org</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>Objet : [Zope] LiveLink "converters"</FONT>
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> <BR>
> <P><FONT SIZE=2>We just got a demo of LiveLink, a document manager system. They have an Intranet module wich is REALLY like the Zope one. In fact, it's almost de same! I found a number of similar functionalities between them, but there is a couple of features in LiveLink wich I found interesting:</FONT></P>
> <P><FONT SIZE=2>- If a user upload a document, the programmer can use it directly. There are automatics converters for many formats: PDF to HTML, Excel to HTML, Word to HTML, Word to PDF, etc. You can develop your own converters if tou want.</FONT></P>
> <P><FONT SIZE=2> Example: Someone upload a report in Excel. In your website, you can put a link to a PDF version, or show it in HTML automatically! </FONT></P>
> <P><FONT SIZE=2>- When a user is logged, he sees only the documents he can manage! Much simpler interface! </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>- The interface is internalionalized. </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>So, I guest my questions are: </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2> - Any plan for a Zope interface internationalisation ? I know, we could translate the interface ourself, but we want to upgrade sometimes...</FONT></P>
> <P><FONT SIZE=2> - Any plan for "converters" ? I think it would be fairly easy, no? </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2> - Could hiding unauthorized objects been possible? I know that I can manage that in DTML, but I mean in the default management interface?</FONT></P>
> <P><FONT SIZE=2>Any thoughs? </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>Jean-François Ménard </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>Intranet DPAS </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>Pratiques d'affaires et orientations </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>* (514) 840-3000 poste 3939 </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>* (514) 840-5585 </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>* menard.jean-francois@hydro.qc.ca </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>* 855 Ste-Catherine est, 6e étage </FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2> Montréal, Qué. H2L 4P5 </FONT>
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