Performance with large ZODB's (was Re: [Zope] Announce - Audio Product)

marc lindahl
Sun, 06 May 2001 01:44:26 -0400

> From: ethan mindlace fremen <>
> 2 things:  first, if you use ZEO, then this startup time is pushed to the
> storage server. Your ZClients can start up in seconds, depending on how
> large the ZEO cache is.  For example, with the 2.8GB data.fs, ZEO
> clients take about 13 seconds to start up with a 300mb cache and 2 seconds
> to start up with no cache. if you are doing lots of product changes, make
> sure that ZEO_CLIENT is not set so that your products reinitialize.

How long does it take the storage server to start?