[Zope] user authentication against a Radius server

Larry Prikockis Larry_Prikockis@ABI.org
Tue, 8 May 2001 16:52:40 -0400

Hi all--
  I've been fiddling around with replacing the standard acl_users folder
with something that will authenticate users against an external radius
server we already have (Radiator).  

My understanding is that I need the LoginManager and Zradius products-- I
have these installed and working (?) properly.   In fact, I can successfully
use the ZRadius product to process authentication requests... 

What I'm not quite clear on is exactly how I go about setting up a Zope
users folder that utilizes these products.  Could someone provide at least
the rough outline of the steps I need to take.  I'm just beginning to learn
Python, so I'm hoping this can be done without any substantial
programming.... perhaps not?

thanks for any hints...

Larry J. Prikockis
Web Applications Specialist
Association for Biodiversity Information
703-908-1833 / larry_prikockis@abi.org / www.abi.org
All parts should go together without forcing.  You must remember that the
parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you.  Therefore, if you
can't get them together again, there must be a reason.  By all means, do not
use a hammer.
	 -- IBM maintenance manual, 1925