zope hangs vs: Re: [Zope] ZServer Must Be Continually Re-Started:

Cees de Groot cg@cdegroot.com
11 May 2001 23:51:57 +0200

Dieter Maurer <dieter@handshake.de> said:
>  Then I activated a checker, that checks availability
>  every 5 minutes. The problem went away. Since then,
>  Zope never hung again.
We run our Zope installations under monitoring by NetSaint. My GSM phone
rings when Zope hangs, quite irritating.

Anyway, NetSaint checks a couple of times per minute, and we nevertheless
had Zope hangs. Yesterday there was an explicable one: we do whois
lookups, and the Belgian registration authority somehow dropped our
SYNC packets from the whois connection attempts. By the time <number of
threads> people tried to do a whois, Zope became of course unresponsive
(and my phone rang).

Just adding useless datapoints.... ;-)