zope hangs vs: Re: [Zope] ZServer Must Be Continually Re-Started:my
Method to stop zope dead:
Ross Lazarus
Sun, 13 May 2001 16:32:18 -0400
Not mad, definitely worth a poke around.
I noticed this first with 1.10 on a production site. It would chug away
happily during the day then die when I first opened a management screen
the next morning. It seemed that it was that first management screen
which caused bother - when serving ordinary pages after a long period of
inactivity, it seemed happier.... A cron script to restart at 2am every
morning has been running for a long time now and it certainly helps.
> Dieter Maurer wrote:
> >
> > Then I activated a checker, that checks availability
> > every 5 minutes. The problem went away. Since then,
> > Zope never hung again.
> >
> > Maybe, Zope does not like to be lazy?
> Joking aside, I'm almost inclined to agree with this. Our server that has a
> habit of dying can lie dormant for a few hours and that's when it seems likely
> to die most.
> Am I mad or is this worth looking into?