[Zope] firstname/lastname and string manipulation
Chris Beaumont
Sun, 13 May 2001 21:05:49 -0700
*Thank you*
That did it!
>I havent tested this,
>(1) _.string.split returns a list
>(2) _.len(list) returns # of items in a list
>(3) Hence
> <dtml-if "_.len(_.string.split(SPEAKER, ' ')) > 1">
> <dtml-var "_.string.split(SPEAKER,' ')[1]">
> </dtml-if>
>Chris Beaumont wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've got a very long list of names that comes from a column in an
>> SQL table, and that column needs to be broken into a first name and a
>> last name.. Because it is in a sense, a space-delimited field, I'm
>> trying that route first.
>> Not all of the names are in the standard format..
>> I'm using a dtml-in to loop through the returned records from an SQL query..
>> Within that loop, I'm using <dtml-var "_.string.split(SPEAKER,'
>> ')[0]"> to successfully display the 'first name' (really the first
>> part of the string) but when trying to use
>> <dtml-var "_.string.split(SPEAKER,' ')[1]">
>> to display the part after the first space, even when I wrap that
>>in a dtml-if
>> I get an IndexError / list index out of range..
> >
> > Does anyone have an obvious answer to what I'm doing wrong?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Chris
> >