[Zope] dtml-with question
Laurie Nason
Tue, 15 May 2001 11:18:27 -0500
Hi there,
I have a little question for you gurus out there...
Why does this first piece of code work when I explicitly state the folder
name and the second not work when I use a variable in its place? (lookup
type is set to strain)
<dtml-with name="lookups">
<dtml-with name="strain">
<dtml-in expr="objectValues()" sort="id">
<dtml-var name="id">
<dtml-with name="lookups">
<dtml-with name=lookuptype>
<dtml-in expr="objectValues()" sort="id">
<dtml-var name="id">
By my reckoning this should do the same thing, iterate over the contents of
the strain folder and list the ids of its objects.
Why isn't it working?
Laurie Nason
Dept. of Biochemistry - N420
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston. TX77030