[Zope] [ANN] ZShell 0.9

Jerome Alet alet@unice.fr
Wed, 16 May 2001 11:53:09 +0200 (MET DST)


I'm pleased to announce you the very latest ZShell version: 0.9

ZShell is an external Zope method which allows you to
manipulate the ZODB using standard unix shell's commands
from within Zope's Management Interface in your web browser.

It's a very powerful tool which can possibly destroy your
ZODB's contents when not used correctly: You've been warned.

You can download it from:


New features:

- Commands grep, view, properties and manage added.
  WARNING: no security check is done on manage.
- Command replace was deleted since grep can do replace.
- Command google now opens a new window.
- If javascript is not activated then new windows
  are not opened but the user can follow links to
  the results in commands: google, view, properties
  and manage.
- Some minor fixes.
- Code simplifications.
- find was going one level too deep when --maxdepth
  was used.

You'll probably find the new grep command useful, considering that it can
search and also replace patterns in objects. You can use the full re
module regexp possibilities, both for the search and replace patterns. 

Currently grep is able to replace in objects content for objects
which are or inherits from: DTMLMethod, DTMLDocument, PythonScript,
provided you've got sufficient permissions.

But grep can also replace in any other object type properties with its
--properties option, again, if your current priviledges allow that. 

the meaning of a matching pattern can be reversed using the --invert
option: objects that doesn't contain the pattern match.

finally, the grep command may be used recursively with its --recurse

Feel free to send any comment, bug report, or wish to me.

Thanks in advance.

Jerome Alet - alet@unice.fr