[Zope] why can zope not handle large files
Christopher N. Deckard
Mon, 21 May 2001 08:14:17 -0500
How do I make "one transaction" become "many transactions"?
The file is uploaded when creating a new "File" object.
Eric Balasbas wrote:
> Sounds like the problem is with inserting many rows into the database in
> one transaction. Breaking up the inserts into many transactions should
> help.
> How exactly do you put the csv file into Zope?
> Eric Balasbas
> Senior Developer
> eric@virtosi.com
> http://www.virtosi.com/
> Virtosi Ltd.
> Design -- Branding -- Zope
> On Fri, 18 May 2001, Christopher N. Deckard wrote:
>>For a project we are working on we have export of an MS Access
>>database as csv (comma seperated) files. The csv file is about 37MB
>>with rows of 18 numbers sepearted by commas. The file has been
>>uploaded into Zope and then we are trying to insert each row into a
>>PostgreSQL database using either the PoPy or PsycoPG database
>>adapter. Basically Zope never comes back from trying to do this.
>>We have also tested against Oracle with the same results. It's been
>>run on an Athlon 600 and a Sun E450. Zope just starts to take up
>>more and more memory eventually filling up swap and never completing
>>the transaction. If we split the 37MB file up into small 3-4MB
>>chunks, everything works fine. But it just can't handle the larger
>>file. To me, 37MB doesn't seem like much. If it were .5GB, I could
>>understand Zope having problems. How can I get this to work?
>>I am not on the zope list (though I'll probably subscribe here in a
>>moment) so please CC me on a reply.
>>Zope maillist - Zope@zope.org
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Christopher N. Deckard | Lead Web Systems Developer
cnd@ecn.purdue.edu | Engineering Computer Network
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/ | Purdue University
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