[Zope] question about PathHandler
Chris Withers
Tue, 22 May 2001 09:58:45 +0100
Kevin L wrote:
> Hi, Chris. I'm just following up with a little more information
> about my problem.
> I made the changes to PathHandler.py like you suggested.
> And on my server I have a folder called "testf" which contains
> one dtml document called "index_html".
> In the root I have a path handler called "ph" and the Method
> value is set to "/testf/index_html".
> When I try to access this via the web I get a key error on
> "testf". It also appears to restart zope whenever I do this
> because I see messages on the console.
> btw, you can see this with http://test.discogs.com/ph/1
> (this is running behind apache with mod_rewrite and mod_proxy,
> if that matters)
> any ideas? thanks!
Not really :-S
The list may be able to help though...