[Zope] zopelogo nerves
Christopher N. Deckard
Wed, 23 May 2001 11:10:52 -0500
> > But as someone else said, there are many more reasons not to use
> > Windows then just color.
> But as long as 80% fo web users are Windows people, we have to
> design for 'em.
Not really. What we need to be doing is helping to push people out
of the dark and into using the technology that works. If web
programmers/designers (mainly the designers fault/problem) keep
making things accessible to those with inferior browsers, then ten
years from now we'll have people who are still using Netscape 4 and
who can't view anything on the web in the way that is meant to be.
Back when I used to see the "best viewed with Netscape 4 or IE 4"
disclaimer at the bottom of pages I used to cringe. Now I'm
beginning to feel like "if you can't see it, get a new browser. One
that works." Most things are still viewable to people who use
Netscape 3 even. There are people here who still use it. But those
people don't care about the "web experience" that all of the web
designers using Flash and Java care about. They want the content
and the content will be there as long as we stick to the standards.
If someone wants the web experience, give it to them, give it to
them good, but stop working around them. Give them twice as much
but make them use the right tools.
Maybe everyone should just use lynx or w3m. (Which the Zope
management screens looks great in anyway.)
My $1.57.