[Zope] Applet does not work
Andreas Jung
Wed, 23 May 2001 16:00:05 -0400
I assume this should work when Lake.class is kept inside the ZODB. Maybe it
must be neccessary
that Zope send the right MIME-type for .class objects. If it does not work,
what is the error
message of the browser. When using Netscape you can find additional error
messages inside the
Java console.
----- Original Message -----
From: "CURTIS David" <David.Curtis@state.or.us>
To: "IPM Return requested (Receipt notification requested) (Reply
requested)" <Zope@zope.ORG>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 3:49 PM
Subject: [Zope] Applet does not work
> Hi,
> I was wondering if Zope supports Java Applets. I recently added some code
to a dhtml method that calls a function called simple.class. I was unable
to get the applet to work. Can Zope support Applets?
> Here is the code that I tried to use.
> <center><b><table border="10-10"><td>
> <applet code="Lake.class" id="Lake" width="320" height="350">
> <param name="image" value="fantasy.jpg">
> <param name="overlay" value>
> <param name="href" value>
> </applet></b></td></table></center>
> Cheers,
> DC
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