[Zope] dtml to xml migration
Andy McKay
Wed, 23 May 2001 14:55:00 -0700
Hmm, it doesnt read well in that statement, but after a rather long thread
on zopezen (http://www.zopezen.org/ZopeZen/SDot/983164155) Paul and Jim made
a point of reassuring people at the python conference.
Andy McKay.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Donald Braman" <donald.braman@yale.edu>
To: "Steve Drees" <drees@the-bridge.net>
Cc: <donald.braman@yale.edu>; <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [Zope] dtml to xml migration
> Here's where I got it...apparently I read too much into the phrase
> "replacing dtml" in the write-up.
> February 19th Zope News
> Zope Presentation Templates, by Ethan Fremen
> Zope Presentation Templates now in an alpha release, have the promise of
> both replacing dtml and integrating well with wysiwyg tools, like Adobe
> GoLive.
> I'm really excited about this project: it should go a long way towards
> us being able to have real separation of logic, presentation, and data.
> The basic idea is that attributes in a namespace will control
> manipulation of nodes in a native XML namespace: the most common example
> will be XHTML.
> This means that you'll no longer have a page so saturated with
> additional tags that you cannot identify the underlying XHTML: instead,
> you'll have a well formed document that your editor can play nicely
> with.
> Don
> ---------Included Message----------
> Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 12:56:49 -0500
> From: "Steve Drees" <drees@the-bridge.net>
> Reply-To: "Steve Drees" <drees@the-bridge.net>
> To: <donald.braman@yale.edu>, <zope@zope.org>
> Subject: RE: [Zope] dtml to xml migration
> > I've built a site using Zope that uses a bit of dtml. I would like to
> > begin migrating the code to xml in anticipation of Zope's phasing out
> of
> > dtml. Would that be premature? If not, any advice on how best to
> > approach it?
> Zope is phasing out dtml? Since when?
> There's lots of work being done on Zope Page Templates but I am pretty
> sure
> those aren't going to replace dtml. dtml will be here for a long time.
> ---------End of Included Message----------
> Donald Braman
> donald.braman@yale.edu
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