[Zope] Zope and Dreamweaver WebDAV
24 May 2001 08:46:51 -0700
I too use Dreamweaver as an editor (its gotten alot better really!) and want to try and assist making it a great frontend to Zope. Though, as Jason noted - it is a total memory hog. But, lots of proven features.
Thing is - when using it - you still need to use the ZMI to add and maintain objects correct?
What about an ext. to be able to add objects from Dreamweaver?
On Thu, 24 May 2001, "Jason Cunliffe" wrote:
> David
> I have been using Dreamweaver FTP and Zope. Yes, The big problem is the lack
> of suffix. This means you can not click files in the Dreamweaver Site
> manager to load. But you _can_ drag Zope items onto the main Dreamweaver
> window! This works in version 3 and 4. So it's pretty easy to change Zope
> form styles or edit anything this way.
> Using Dreamweaver with Zope makes one reconsider Zope object naming schemes.
> If one is more systematic in zope adn/or use siffixes, it is much easier to
> make Dreamweaver more responsive. However this does not apply to all the
> builtin Zope code. It is a shame there is not a wildcard filename featre in
> Dreamweaver which would allow special recognition within the Site Manager,
> based on any input. For those whoh deevlop Dreamweaver Extensions, this is
> probably not that complicated even.
> I think nobody has really needed to - until Zope. And since so few Zopisti
> are graphic design inclined, and since Zope workflow is still a raw and
> undeveloped topic, this reamins sadly negelected. Stronger Dreamweaver Zope
> features would make Zope a much easier 'sell' to potentital clients their
> CTOs. Also a good way to make a wider audience aware of Zope.
> I did not know about the WebDav extension. Thanks - I will try it.
> Mostly I find WebDav rather slow. Maybe just my setup here [Win98se 500Mhz
> 192Mb].
> Dreamweaver is a memory hog. But Version 4 is nice with Zope because of
> various options for rendering pages, view HTML + source etc.. If only it
> were really linked to Zope and could go 'fetch' DTML and Zope objects in a
> timely manner. Still there is a lott of work one can do.
> There is a Zope <dtml> tag extension for Dreamweaver. Works with 3 & 4.
> Places a little DTML-START adn DTML-STOP gifs inline which you can access.
> Somewhat useful dependnig on your style of use in Dreamweaver.
> http://www.zope.org/Members/johanc/Dreamweaver3
> Please let me know if you make progress with this
> hth
> ./Jason
> ___________________________________________________________
> Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Legg" <d.legg@ncl.ac.uk>
> To: "Zope List" <zope@zope.org>
> Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 6:04 AM
> Subject: [Zope] Zope and Dreamweaver WebDAV
> > Hi,
> >
> > I can access a Zope site through Dreamweaver WebDAV, but opening Zope
> > documents presents a problem as they do not have a conventional file
> > extension - .html, .js etc. I can vaguely remember a work around for this,
> > but I had no use for it at the time. Anybody using Dreamweaver WebDAV and
> > Zope at the moment have any ideas and any further tips? I have the
> > Dreamweaver WebDAV patch downloaded from the Macromedia website.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > David Legg
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