FW: [Zope] Using Zope for Document Collaboration

Loren Stafford lstafford@morphics.com
Thu, 24 May 2001 12:21:17 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: Loren Stafford [mailto:lstafford@morphics.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 11:49
To: Mark Langkau
Subject: RE: [Zope] Using Zope for Document Collaboration

Did you see these recently announced products:



Another observation: Unless the client's Word files use Heading styles, =
most Word to HTML converters won't produce HTML with <hn> tags (where n =
is a digit). But maybe you have a smarter converter.

-- Loren

> -----Original Message-----
> From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of =
> Langkau
> Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 10:32
> To: zope@zope.org
> Subject: [Zope] Using Zope for Document Collaboration
> Hi,
> Forgive me if this isn't the correct list for this question. I need =
> design help - and suggestions of tools to use would be great. I'll =
> further discussions of "design" issues off line, and stick to specific
> Zope/tool questions here.
> Quick Summary:
> I need to take an incoming MS-Word file and break it up into sections,
> and post them on our Zope intranet for various employees to edit and
> contribute to. When completed, the sections need to be rolled back up
> into a single file that can be converted back to MS-Word. Users will =
> have access to the Zope Management Interface.
> Details:
> We have several people in multiple locations that need to edit =
> parts of the same document - anytime - online. My first thought is
> ZWiki, but I'm not sure if other options (if any) are better. (I'm a
> wiki newbie).
> We get several Request For Proposal (RFP) docs that require several
> departments to contribute information and answer questions. I'd like =
> convert the client's original file (MS-Word) into something that Zope
> can publish and allow edits. The users in our departments will not =
> access to the Zope Management Interface, and the goal is to use just a
> browser to call up an RFP and answer questions in sections pertaining =
> their own department. Anyone working on the RFP can see the entire
> document (no dept. restrictions).
> The final format back to the client is usually very specific, and =
> in MS-Word format, so I'm not looking to produce a "final" =
> document directly from the Zope site. However, we will need to =
> all of the parts of the RFP back into a single doc for manual
> reformatting as required by the client.
> If I save the Word doc into html format, can I convert that to
> Structured Text and paste that into Wiki pages? Does anyone have a
> script that could automate this - breaking sections (based on html
> heading tags perhaps) into separate wiki pages? (Or even just to =
> html to stx?) I'm thinking that breaking the RFP up into separate =
> may minimize the chance for 2 people to save changes to the same page =
> the same time - or lock one page and not save all day, etc. (It'll =
> happen, but perhaps not as often ;-)
> Is there an easier way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Mark
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