[Zope] zope operations atomic?
Clark OBrien
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 09:35:41 -0600
Here is the example I was thinking about.
1) Suppose an online store is selling product X and at a
given moment its inventory is n. Two shoppers hit the buy
button at about the same time.
Then either:
a) No conflict is detected because both threads set the inventory
value to the same value, n-1. This would cause a problem if n = 1
b) A conflict is detected when the last thread writes because the inventory
is not
n as it was when he read it. request is resubmitted but again another thread
changed made the value dirty- thread starves.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McDonough [mailto:chrism@zope.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 6:50 AM
To: Clark OBrien; k_vertigo@yahoo.com; zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] zope operations atomic?
What is "the dirty read problem"?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Clark OBrien" <COBrien@isis-server.vuse.vanderbilt.edu>
To: "'Chris McDonough'" <chrism@zope.com>; "Clark OBrien"
<COBrien@isis-server.vuse.vanderbilt.edu>; <k_vertigo@yahoo.com>;
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 9:39 AM
Subject: RE: [Zope] zope operations atomic?
> Chris,
> Thanks for the explanation. I don't see how
> ApplicationLevelConflictResolution
> can handle the dirty read problem though.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris McDonough [mailto:chrism@zope.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 3:11 PM
> To: Clark OBrien; k_vertigo@yahoo.com; zope@zope.org
> Subject: Re: [Zope] zope operations atomic?
> > Example:
> > To count the number of files uploaded to my site I set an
> > index as an attribute to a Folder. These are large files so they
> > take some time to upload. What happens after two people upload at
> once
> > does my index only get rolled back or do the files uploaded also
> > get rolled back?
> If the uploads finish at the same time (meaning the transactions
> likely commit at the same time), a ConflictError is raised, and one
> the requests is retried.
> (Note that the file needn't be uploaded from the remote browser
> Zope keeps the request around -- which includes the cgi data, which
> includes your file's data -- to retry with.)
> The uploader never notices any of this, except perhaps the site will
> become sluggish.
> None of this has anything to do with the counter in your example,
> except that a ConflictError is more likely to be raised when
> "hotspot" items like a counter.
> The example you provide of a counter is one that is problematic for
> ZODB for two reasons:
> 1. Multiple simultaneous commits which include counter incrementing
> can cause conflicts
> 2. The undoability of FileStorage causes the Data.fs file to grow
> every successful transaction.
> These problems are orthogonal to each other; they are not related to
> each other in any way except that they both occur in the default
> configuration. The first is solved via application level conflict
> resolution
> on) as well as a storage which supports it, the second is solved by
> using a nonundoing storage.
> So in the example you gave, you're most worried about problem #1,
> conflicts. To solve this particular problem, you would implement a
> "smart" counter that did not make itself a hotspot. There is
> already one of these that ships with Zope. It's in the
> module, and it's a counter that does app-level conflict resolution.
> It's also a good module to take a look at if you're interested in
> seeing how conflict resolution works.
> Note that none of this is terribly different AFAICT than how most
> relational databases implement multithreadedness save for the fact
> that ZODB uses optimistic concurrency instead of pessimistic,
> the app developer to be able to handle conflict scenarios in order
> maximize performance.
> HTH,
> - C