[Zope] What is Error(200)?

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sat, 3 Nov 2001 21:22:04 +0100

Steven Grimes writes:
 > Can someone tell me if and where this type of timeout exists? I've been
 > searching source for about an hour with no luck.
"Error(200)" is just "Error", the "200" is only a numerical representation
for "Error".

The timeout may live at many places:

  *  in your browser
     IE, e.g., has such a timeout.
     As I rarely work with IE, I do not know where/whether it
     is customizable

  *  in your web server
     Apache, e.g., can be configured to timeout CGI scripts
     and other dynamic requests

  *  in proxy servers along the route between Zope and your client
