[Zope] WebDAV lockingproblem with Word
Robert Rottermann
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 18:24:50 +0100
since word is a (the most ??) important content creation tool for non
programmers would it not be sensible to add a second WebDAV port that does
nothing but handle the Word idiosyncrasies and the forwards things to the
normal DAV port?
I would very much like to tell my customers that they do not need anything
but word to maintain their content.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Jung" <andreas@zope.com>
To: "Joachim Schmitz" <js@aixtraware.de>; "Joachim Werner"
Cc: "zope-list" <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] WebDAV lockingproblem with Word
The problem with M$ application and Zope is somewhat weird and
Word is lying when it reports a file to be read-only.
As an example I mounted a Zope instance as webfolder and edited
an existing HTML file. The logs show that Word locks the file,
requests its contents and then release the lock. When I try to
save the file it sends a 'PROPFIND /' and receives all
informations about all files but no lock informations (because
Word did not request lock information in the PROPFIND request).
For some dumb-dumb-dumb reasons, Word concludes that the file
is read-only (the Zope WevDAVLock manager shows that are no locks).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joachim Schmitz" <js@aixtraware.de>
To: "Joachim Werner" <joe@iuveno-net.de>
Cc: "Andreas Jung" <andreas@andreas-jung.com>; "zope-list" <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 08:21
Subject: Re: [Zope] WebDAV lockingproblem with Word
On Wed, 7 Nov 2001, Joachim Werner wrote:
> "I could open and read a worddocument in a WebDAV-folder, but not a
> htm-document. After writing a new htm-document, during which I had to
> authorize again, I could read also the older htm-documents. Perhaps that
> gives some hints."
> That's the point: As soon as Word has to authenticate, it seems to start
> sending the authentication info. Before that, it seems to retrieve the
> as anonymous user, which of course means that it has no rights to set the
> locks etc.
I don't think so, cause it works with doc-files even without authentication.
> Joachim
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Joachim Schmitz
AixtraWare, Ing. Büro für Internetanwendungen
Hüsgenstr. 33a, D-52457 Aldenhoven
Telefon: +49-2464-8851, FAX: +49-2464-905163
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