[Zope] Variable substitution of <dtml-in> Attributes

Danny William Adair danny@adair.net
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 11:25:12 +1300

On Wednesday 07 November 2001 08:49, Milos Prudek wrote:
> > This is definitely not possible with the current dtml-in tag.
> > The dtml-tag does not provide "reverse_expr=", "sort_expr=", and so forth
> > (like to the dtml-tree tag).
> On the contrary, you can use sort_expr with dtml-in.

You're totally right. I'm wrong and sorry.
Still, this only allows the sort attribute to be variable.

The new "sequence" module has got it all:

<dtml-in expr="_.sequence.sort(objectValues(),
                               (('title', 'nocase'),
                                 'cmp', 'desc')
<dtml-var title><dtml-var bobobase_modification_time> <br />

More in http://www.zope.org/Members/michel/ZB/AppendixA.dtml
(that's been updated)
