[Zope] Evaluating ADSL
Red Tray Ltd
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 11:43:44 -0000
<title>ADSL - NOVEMBER</title>
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<font face="Tahoma" size="1"><b>About Us</B>
<br>Red Tray specialises in providing Communications Technology Education, with unrivalled expertise in the areas of datacomms, telephony convergence, mobile computing and third generation networks.
This concise format is aimed at helping you to address technology education issues as well as keeping abreast of industry issues. We look forward to helping you achieve
the outstanding results you expect from your commitment to this industry.
<b>What's Up This Month? </b><br>
Take a little time to explore the Web site bookmark what will be useful to you.<p><b>Sales Process Assessment</b>
In today's business climate everyone has to be customer facing so see how you shape up to a Sales Skills Assessment.
Over the next few months Red Tray will be making a number of interesting announcements which will be of interest to everyone who needs to improve their skills and market worth.<p>
We have put a FREE short course on line for IP Routing Primer.<p>
<b>Workshops & Seminars </b><br>
We are planning to record our Seminars for those of you who are unable to visit London. The presentation will comprise audio, slides and notes and this will be shipped within 7 days of the date of the course. Although, we do not pretend this is as valuable as attending these leading edge seminars it is a chance to "catch the content" and a flavour of the atmosphere. Prices will vary so watch out next month for news of the ADSL seminar.
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<p><font face="Tahoma" size="3"><b><font size="3"><br>
<b>"Evaluating ADSL" - London - November 30th 2001</b></font></b></font></p>
<p><font face="Tahoma" size="2"><font size="3"><b>What Will ADSL Do For Me?</font></b>
<br><font face="Tahoma" size="2"><font face="Tahoma"></b>
Is ADSL suitable for my personal or business use? What are the security implications?
Can I host Web sites? How does ADSL perform? How do I install ADSL?
ADSL is now widely available - but are you able to benefit? Can you get access to the Internet as well as providing Web site hosting. What benefits can you derive from adopting this technology?
<p>ADSL represents a huge potential step forward for the home user/small business and even for links between branches for larger organisations.
With speeds of up to 2mb/sec ADSL is in a different league from dial up modems for speed and in a different league from leased lines for price. Will it suit your requirements? What equipment will you need? Will it bring any other benefits?
<p>Your presenter for this Seminar
<font face="Tahoma" size="2"><font size="4"><b><p></p></font>
Who Should Attend?</b><br>
If you are reviewing your strategy for Internet access, Office to Office links, Web site hosting or simply to transfer information around you should attend.<p></p>
<b>Business Managers - IT Professionals - Small and Medium Businesses - Developers - Consultants</b><p></p>
<font face="Tahoma" size="2"><font size="4"><b><p></p></font>
About These Seminars</b><br>
These highly cost effective one-day events will give you an understanding of new and emerging communications technologies and enable you to assess the benefits for your business.<p>
Find out at the Red Tray one day seminar on the 28th November 2001 at the Royal Aeronautical Society Lecture Room in London, just off Hyde Park Corner. The price for this event is just £139 per delegate inclusive of VAT.<p></p>
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<font face="Tahoma" size="2">Red Tray sends out a regular Newsletter to subscribers which contain information essential to people who work in the Telecommunications industries.<p></p>
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