[Zope] WebDAV lockingproblem with Word

Achim Domma achim.domma@syynx.de
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 15:00:03 +0100

I send this post to the wrong address, so here it comes again ...

> Hi,
> because I'm new to this (WebDAV + Zope) I will suggest how I 
> would try to solve the problem and somebody could tell me what is 
> already done :
> As far as I understand Word sends/requires some additional infos 
> in WebDAV. So we have to do little bit 'reverse engeniering' as 
> Andreas said. I would write a simple http-server and send with 
> Word a WebDAV-Upload request to it. If I capture this request I 
> could write a small programm which sends this request to Zope and 
> a MS Server (do I need more than an ordinary IIS for that ?) and 
> get both results. If I compare them we should have the 
> difference. Makes this sense ?
> BTW: I have never tried to use Word to upload something to Zope. 
> Where can I find documentation/tutorial about that ?
> > Can you tell we where the identifiers that where undefined for me are
> > declared ??
> > I have not updated my VS for quiet some time. It has service pack 5
> > installed.
> SP5 is ok. I think you will need also an up-to-data plattform sdk 
> or the xml4 sdk (not only the runtime files). I have a msxml.h 
> (plattform sdk) and msxml2.h (xml4 sdk) on my computer, which 
> both define IID_IXMLHttpRequest.
> Achim