[Zope] Re: acl_users access
Juan Garcia Garcia
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 09:10:47 +0100 (CET)
i would solve this problem in the Proxy tab of the script. There, you
must select the Manager proxy role and save the changes. With the proxy
roles you give the selected role to the user when accessing this object,
so an anonymous user could access to the acl_users folder.
> Hello,
> I am implementing a self registering form for new users to gain access
> to zope. Users should fill in some data and a python Script assigns
> them a password as well as domains and roles. Or what is the same,
> the script creates a new user.
> When testing the Python Script I was logged in as me with manager role
> so everything worked fine: but if someone with no previous login wants
> to create a user, he is prompted to provide a login and password.
> The problem is that they cannot access the acl_users folder (since they
> are no users and obviously the have no permissions). What could I do
> to make this work?