[Zope] Corporate structure vs navigation structure

A.G.Jippes@dinkel.utwente.nl A.G.Jippes@dinkel.utwente.nl
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 17:31:20 +0100


For security management etc. you want the Zope folder structure to represent
your corporate structure, but this is not the structure I want to present on
our website (which is client oriented). Sure I could make an alternative
navigation with DTML, but there must be a more elegant solution, right? A
product? Or am I missing something? I would like to fuse or split
sub-folders, make shortcuts, etc.



Arnoud Jippes, DINKEL Institute
University of Twente Library/IT
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede
tel:(+31-534)894116, fax:351805