[Zope] RE: Caching...

Michael Fraase mfraase@farces.com
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 18:03:49 -0600

I'm still waiting for it to fall over since I added the -M switch to the
start parameter. It hasn't and the load has subsided considerably, so I
doubt it will fall over again.

When it was falling over as quickly as I could restart it, there were no
error messages, didn't appear to be any memory problems, nothing. Zope
just quit and requests to port 80 were refused.

I really wish I could be more help. I do care about troubleshooting the
problem, but I think I missed the heavy load window. Sorry.

Michael Fraase
PGP Fingerprint:
3D85 F3F4 9E65 4949 176A  260C CB47 190D C864 9A96

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris McDonough [mailto:chrism@digicool.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 6:29 PM
> To: Dieter Maurer
> Cc: Chris McDonough; mfraase@farces.com; zope@zope.org
> Subject: Re: [Zope] RE: Caching...
> Dieter Maurer wrote:
> > Caching too less is no reason for Zope to crash, is it?
> > 
> > Thus, there must be something else at the problem's base.
> OTOH, he hasn't reported any sort of odd behavior at low load. 
> Actually, the site reportedly stopped acting abnormally when 
> load went down.
> So to solve his immediate problem *today*, he should just 
> cache.  Period.
> If he cares enough to actually troubleshoot the problem at its base 
> tomorrow and the next days, then we're all very lucky and 
> I'll help as 
> much as possible.
> -- 
> Chris McDonough                    Zope Corporation
> http://www.zope.org             http://www.zope.com
> "Killing hundreds of birds with thousands of stones"